Hot dry noodles (HSK 2)

Mandarin Hot dry noodles 李明明:嗨,你好!我是李明明,你叫什么名字?李华:你好!我叫李华。李明明:你也姓李!我们的姓一样,名不一样。李华:好巧。你住在这附近吗?李明明:我不住在这附近,我是来旅游的。李华:那你是从哪里来的?李明明:我家是湖北武汉的。李华:原来你是武汉人!我特别喜欢吃那里的热干面。李明明:欢迎你来吃。;) English Translation 热干面 李明明: Hi, how are you? I’m Li Mingming. What’s your name?李华: Hello! I’m Li Hua.李明明: Your last name is Li too! Our last names are the same, but our given names are different.李华: What a coincidence. Do you live nearby?李明明: I don’t live nearby, I’m here to … Read more

Simple Mandarin dialogue practice (HSK 2)

Good luck with this simple Mandarin dialogue practice! Mandarin 李明明:嗨,你好!我是李明明,你叫什么名字? 李华:你好!我叫李华。 李明明:你也姓李!我们的姓一样,名不一样。 李华:好巧。你住在这附近吗? 李明明:我不住在这附近,我是来旅游的。 李华:那你是从哪里来的? 李明明:我家是湖北武汉的。 李华:原来你是武汉人!我特别喜欢吃那里的热干面。 李明明:欢迎你来吃。😉 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation 李明明: Hi, how are you? I’m Li Mingming. What’s your name? 李华: Hello! I’m Li Hua. 李明明: You’re also surnamed Li! Our last names are the same, but our first names are … Read more

He forgot his Backpack (HSK 2)

Today Xiao Ming forgot his backpack. Read further to find out how the story ends! Mandarin 他忘了带书包。 小明每天都骑自行车去学校。 今天下雨了,他没有骑车。 他坐公共汽车去学校。 下车后,他发现他忘了带书包。 他又坐车回家拿书包,差点迟到了。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation Xiao Ming rides his bicycle to school every day. Today, it’s raining, so he didn’t ride his bike. He took the bus to school instead. After getting off … Read more

The Lost Puppy (HSK 2)

In this story Xiao Ming lost his puppy. Read further to find out what happened! Mandarin 迷路的小狗 昨天,小明出去玩,把他的小狗忘了。 小狗在公园里迷路了。 小狗哭了,但一位好心人帮助它找到了小明。 小明很高兴,向那个人表示了感谢。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation The Lost Puppy Yesterday, Xiao Ming went out to play and forgot his puppy. The puppy got lost in the park. The puppy cried, but a kind person helped … Read more

I went to the Park (HSK 2)

Today I went to the park and saw a cute puppy! Read the story below to practice your Mandarin Chinese. Mandarin 我去公园了 今天是星期天,我去了公园。天气很好,阳光很灿烂。我看到小狗在跑。我喜欢小狗,所以我跟它一起玩。小狗很高兴。我们一起跑了很久。我特别开心! Multiple Choice Questions English Translation Today is Sunday, I went to the park. The weather was nice, the sun was shining brightly. I saw a puppy running. I like puppies, so I … Read more

Today is my birthday (HSK 2)

In this story you will read about my birthday! Good luck with practicing your Mandarin! Mandarin 今天是我的生日 今天我很开心,因为今天是我的生日。 我和我的同学们一起去了饭店。 我们点了很多菜。我最喜欢羊肉。 很好吃。 这时我看了看我的手表,我应该回家了。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation Today is my birthday Today I am very happy because it’s my birthday. My classmates and I went to a restaurant together. We ordered a lot of dishes. … Read more

My husband is a Doctor (HSK 2)

Mandarin 我的丈夫是一名医生 小红的丈夫是一名医生。 他每天骑自行车去医院工作,晚上回家。 他非常努力工作,总是尽力帮助病人。 有一天,他突然生病了,但他仍然坚持上班,因为他知道有很多人需要他的帮助。 小红非常担心他的健康,但他总是笑着说:“我是医生,我要照顾好我的病人。” 小红为她的丈夫感到自豪。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation My husband is a doctor Xiao Hong’s husband is a doctor. He rides his bicycle to work at the hospital every day and comes back home in the evening. He works very hard and always does his best to help patients. One … Read more

He saw a big cat (HSK 2)

Wang Wang is a little dog that likes to run. Mandarin 他看到了一只大猫 有一只小狗叫旺旺。旺旺喜欢跑步。 今天,旺旺跑了很远。他看到了一只大猫。 大猫很凶,但是旺旺跑得快,躲开了大猫。 旺旺回家了,很高兴。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation The little dog is named Wang Wang. Wang Wang likes to run. Today, Wang Wang ran very far. He saw a big cat. The big cat was very fierce, but Wang Wang ran quickly … Read more

Xiao Ming is a Student (HSK 2)

Xiao Ming is a student whose daily routine revolves around school, family, and friends. Mandarin 小明是一名学生 小明是一名学生。他每天早上七点起床,吃早饭,然后骑自行车去学校。学校离他家不远,只有两公里。他喜欢学习汉语、数学和音乐。放学后,他回家做作业。晚上,他和家人一起吃晚饭,然后看电视。他很喜欢周末,因为可以和朋友一起去公园玩。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation Xiao Ming is a Student Xiao Ming is a student. He wakes up at seven o’clock every morning, has breakfast, and then rides his bicycle to school. The school is not far from … Read more

A Good Cook (HSK 2)

Mandarin 好厨师 小明的妻子是一个很好的厨师。 每天晚上,她都为他做美味的晚餐。 小明非常喜欢妻子做的饭菜。 他觉得有这样的妻子很幸福。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation A Good Cook Xiao Ming’s wife is a very good cook. Every night, she makes delicious dinners for him. Xiao Ming really enjoys the meals his wife prepares. He feels very happy to have such a wife.