The Dark Side of the Enterprise (HSK 6)

In a small city, there was a large company. Its success has blinded many to its shortcomings. Mandarin 企业的黑幕 在一个小城市,有一家大型公司,它的成功让很多人看不到它的缺点。 公司高层偏袒亲信,员工晋升不公平,严重损害了团队的士气。 一天,一名年轻员工,杰克,勇敢地揭露了这些弊端,但他却遭到了打压和孤立。 他不屈不挠,寻求法律帮助,最终公司被迫改善管理方式,赔偿了杰克。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation The Dark Side of the Enterprise In a small city, there was a large company. Its success has blinded many to its shortcomings. The company’s upper management … Read more

A Monopoly (HSK 6)

In this story there is a family-owned business that has monopolized all the resources and production facilities, making it difficult for other small merchants to survive. Mandarin 垄断 在一个小村庄,有一家家族企业掌握着所有的资源和生产设施。他们垄断了市场,使其他小商家难以生存。村民感到愤怒和无助,但无法改变这一事实。 一天,一个聪明的村民提出了一个计划。他建议大家合作,开办一个合作社,共享资源和技术。村民们欣然同意,他们的合作迅速取得了成功。家族企业开始感到竞争压力,不得不降低价格和提高质量。 最终,合作社战胜了垄断企业,取得了市场的控制权。村庄充满了活力和机会,村民们也富了起来。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation A Monopoly In a small village, a family-owned business monopolized all the resources and production facilities, making it difficult … Read more