The Diligent Student (HSK 3)

In this story, you will read about Xiao Ming. He is a hardworking student. This story uses HSK 3 vocabulary. Good luck with reading! Mandarin 小明是一个勤奋的学生。 他每天早上都醒得很早,然后去学校。 他喜欢学汉语,所以每天晚上都会用电脑学习汉字。 他的汉语老师很高兴,因为小明进步得很快。 小明也喜欢和朋友一起去图书馆看书。 他认为读书很重要,所以经常借很多书回家。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation Xiao Ming is a diligent student. He wakes up early every morning and goes to school. He likes learning … Read more

Wang Wang’s Breakfast (HSK 3)

On a sunny morning, the little puppy Wang Wang woke up and wanted to eat breakfast. Mandarin 汪汪的早餐 在一个阳光明媚的早晨,小狗狗汪汪醒来了。 它想吃早餐,但找不到食物。于是,它去了厨房。 汪汪打开冰箱,发现了面包、牛奶和鸡蛋。 它喜欢吃面包,所以吃了一片面包,然后喝了牛奶。 最后,汪汪做了一个鸡蛋三明治。 它开心地吃完了早餐,然后出去散步。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation Wang Wang’s Breakfast On a sunny morning, the little puppy Wang Wang woke up. It wanted to have breakfast but couldn’t find any food. So, it … Read more

A new Friend (HSK 3)

In this story Xiaoming met a new friend named Mary in a small restaurant. Mandarin 一位新朋友 在一家小餐馆,小明遇到了一位新朋友,叫玛丽。 他们点了很多美味的食物,一起聊了很长时间。 小明要到了玛丽的电话号码,他们约好了下次再见面。 小明很高兴认识了新朋友。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation In a small restaurant, Xiaoming met a new friend named Mary. They ordered a lot of delicious food and talked for a long time. Xiaoming got Mary’s phone number, and … Read more

A Rainy Day in the Park (HSK 3)

In this story Xiaoming decided to take a walk in the park. Mandarin 公园里的雨天 昨天是个晴天,小明决定去公园散步。 他带着他的狗去了那儿。 他们在公园里看到了一只漂亮的鸟,小明拍了照片。 突然,天空变得阴暗,下起了雨。 小明和他的狗跑回家,但他们都被淋湿了。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation A Rainy Day in the Park Yesterday was a sunny day, and Xiaoming decided to take a walk in the park. He took his dog with him. They saw a beautiful … Read more

Friendship (HSK 3)

This story is about friendship. The story uses HSK 3 vocabulary and is a great way to practice your reading skills. Mandarin 友谊 在一个美丽的秋天,小狗小白遇到了小猫小黑。 他们一起去公园玩,看到了五只大鸟在树上唱歌。 小狗小白和小猫小黑也一起唱歌,大家都很高兴。 傍晚,他们回家的路上遇到了一只迷路的小鸟。 小狗小白说:“我们帮助小鸟找到回家的路吧。” 他们一起找到了小鸟的家,小鸟十分感激他们。 小狗小白和小猫小黑觉得今天过得很愉快,他们成了好朋友。 Multiple Choice Questions English Translation Friendship On a beautiful autumn day, the little dog Xiao Bai met the little cat Xiao Hei. They went to … Read more